Simplr APP.

Simplify Your Insurance Management

Take control of your insurance with NEO's Simplr App.
Enjoy the convenience of effortlessly managing your contracts in one place.

Address change 24/7

Changes made easy! You can easily change personal data such as your name, address, or bank details in your digital insurance folder. Your insurance broker (NEO) is still available to you anytime.

A Good Insurance Broker Shines in Times of Loss

✔️ Effortless Claims Reporting: Simplifying the Process
✔️ Personal Support Even in Times of Loss
✔️ Report a Claim with Ease Through the App
✔️ Submit Photos, Invoices, and Documents Directly via simplr
✔️ Transparent and Secure Correspondence in the Digital Insurance Folder
✔️ Stay Connected with the simplr App: Communication, Reimbursements, and More

Neo-AI: Your Virtual Assistant for Optimized Insurance Policies

With Neo-AI, the virtual employee of your insurance broker, optimizing your existing policies becomes a breeze.
It regularly reviews your rates and provides recommendations for adjustments, if necessary.

Neo-AI meticulously analyzes your insurance policies, searching for opportunities for improvement. Whether it's potential cost savings or adjustments due to changing circumstances, Neo-AI is ready to maximize the value of your insurance coverage.

Neo-AI works behind the scenes to ensure your insurance plans align with your needs. You can experience the convenience of having a knowledgeable advisor at your fingertips.
Embrace the benefits of technological innovation and let Neo-AI guide you toward optimal insurance solutions.

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simplr App - insurance in your pocket!

simplr app

Discover the Power of the simplr App.

Experience the ultimate convenience of managing your contracts effortlessly with the NEODIRECT simplr App.
Say goodbye to complicated paperwork and hello to a personal contact (NEO) who will address all your inquiries and swiftly resolve any issues.

But that's not all - our app comprehensively analyzes your current insurance landscape and potential opportunities.
We'll help you break down your insurance situation and consolidate critical information such as premiums, deadlines, and policy numbers, along with the relevant documents, ensuring you have a comprehensive overview with just one click.


Questions and answers
about the Simplr APP - FAQ

Can I also manage insurance policies I have not taken out with Neodirect?

Of course, you can manage all your insurance policies with our simplr app.

You quickly enter the existing contracts. However, in this case, you have to enter changes yourself. If this is too time-consuming for you, you can use the "Activate" button in the app to initiate a change of broker and commission us to look after your insurance policies. Completely free, we automatically check your contracts for up-to-date and possible gaps.

Can I manage my insurance and leave it with my current agent?

Of course, you can manage all your insurance policies with our simplr app and stay with your agent.

You quickly enter the existing contracts. In this case, you always have to enter changes yourself. Suppose this is too time-consuming for you and you are convinced of our service. In that case, you can initiate a change of supervisor in the app with the button "Activate" and assign us the supervision of your insurance policies.

How much does the simplr app cost?

You can use the simplr app for free. You get a full version and can use all simplr features for free, like managing your insurance, reporting a claim, or even comparing insurance.

Why do you need my mobile number?

After online registration, simplr sends you aconfirmation code via SMS to your cell phone. This prevents misuse by other users.

How secure is my data in simplr?

Your data is safe with simplr, as we are subject to the German Data Protection Act, which prohibits the disclosure of your data. Through continuous encryption of the mobile data transfer, we also ensure that unauthorized persons do not gain any access to your data.

What data is stored about me?

Simplr only stores personal data that is relevant for the processing of business processes. This is your postal address, date of birth, and email, as we need this information to fulfill our legal documentation obligations. Other required information may also be stored depending on which insurance policy is managed via simplr. Your data will only be used to process your order.

Who can view my data?

Only our Neodirect GmbH Co KG employees and Blau direkte GmbH & Co KG (our service provider that manages the simplr app) have access. All of these employees are subject to a strict confidentiality obligation.

If you take out a new insurance policy via the simplr app, only the data required for this will be forwarded to the offices necessary to process your order.

How do I cancel?

You can terminate the cooperation with Neodirect at any time without notice.

Why don't I see any contracts or documents in my account?

If you cannot see a document despite notification, it may be because you have multiple accesses for the app. Ask your contact person for the correct access data.

What do I do when I receive a message about a new document?

It's straightforward:

1. download the app simplr from the App Store or Play Store on your smartphone or go to

2. let your insurance broker give you your access data.

Log in to simplr in the app or via the web.

What is the advantage of having Neodirect take care of my insurance?

All insurances concluded via Neodirect or that you have transferred to our care appear automatically with continuously updated data in your insurance administration.

How long has the Simplr app been around?

The simplr app for your smartphone has been available since 2015. Two years later, the fully integrated Simplr web app followed.

How do I get my personal access data for simplr?

If you are already a customer with us, please contact your Neo (insurance broker), and we will send you your personal simplr access data.

How can I register with Simplr?

Just follow this link:  " Register Now.

We need your title, user name (which can be freely chosen), first name, last name, e-mail address, and mobile phone number for registration.

How can I correct incorrect data?

It's simple. Please e-mail your Neo insurance broker. He immediately corrects the error for you. In addition, he also checks whether your insurers have the correct data and ensures that your insurance coverage is guaranteed.

How can I change my user data?

During registration, your username will be set. If you already have access to your insurance folder, only your contact (NEO) can change your username if the new username is still available.

How can I have a duplicate account deleted?

This is very simple. Send a short message to info(at) We will gladly take care of it.

Why am I getting messages from simplr?

simplr is the access to the service portal for your insurances. Neodirect informs you when something important happens with your insurances.

You don't have to do anything.

Usually we have already checked and taken care of everything and if it is different, we will tell you separately.